Caroline Oresteia is the headstrong daughter of a wherryman. Having grown up on a small cargo vessel in the riverlands, she and her father travel from port to port delivering whatever it is they've been hired to transport. It's an adventurous life and Caro wants nothing more than to follow in her father's footsteps - to be blessed by the river god and live a wherryman's life on the river.
Our story begins with a pirate attack that leaves many a vessel burning in port; hired mercenaries seeking something valuable held within the port's keep. When her father is arrested by the harbor master on smuggling charges, Caro finds herself in a situation unlike any other she's been in. To free her father, she must deliver a mysterious box to a neighboring city. However, when it turns out that the cargo she's been hired to deliver is the same cargo that the pirates are seeking, a thrilling chase ensues as Caro must outmaneuver and keep hidden from the Black Dogs who pursue her.
Tolscer delivers a fast paced YA fantasy complete with mysterious shadowmen, a courier with a secret, plenty of intrigue, a little romance and a high stakes cat and mouse chase through the waters of the riverlands. Tolcser's cast of characters are a likeable bunch and many of the exchanges throughout the book are fun and engaging. The plot is well developed for a first novel, but leaves plenty to be explored in later volumes - which I'm hoping for! There were a few exchanges at later points in the book that I could have done without, but overall I felt the storyline was strong, the characters well developed and enjoyed the vivid descriptions of life on the water.
If you enjoy a unique, fast paced YA adventure you'll likely enjoy this book! I found it to be a fun addition to my summer reading list and anticipate the next installment!
Thank you Bloomsbury Publishing and Netgalley for providing me a ebook copy of this book for review.
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